2009年12月29日 星期二

the party with my NZ's friends

Last weekend, i went to Taipei to have a party with my friends who i met in New Zealand.

Originally, Llody had a test in Taipei. We didn't see each other since i left NZ, so i thought i can go to Taipei and meet. Of course Lesley and Annie are members of the party. caz they live in Taipei.
Fortunately, Alex also back Taiwan........After, Fish arrived Taiwan on 26th, Dec.
Hahaaaa, Everything is perfect~

We had dinner on MK which is a Spicy Fondue shop. Lesley booked this shop, she said it's popular in Taipei. For me, it's my first time to have a spicy fomdue.......caz i don't like to eat the spicy food.......but the taste is good. Nice experience.

Lloyd and Fish...... God, Lloyd like a lady....he has long and curly hair.......and as an artist.......
Haha,,, Fish is also pretty~

Hi, Alex, Long time no see. And, i like your shoes to make you like tall~~hahaaaa

Hope we can usually have a date in the future....
I really miss my friends~~~You are in my heart forever.....
