2009年12月13日 星期日

Yoyoyooo, Lesley in Hualien~

Finally,,,,,,Lesley is in Hualien again! Lucky, Today is a sunny day~The sunshine is suitable to take photo....SMILW~~

Near the Bay, in the conner, you can see the special stop, the fish style.....(Lesley said this photo is her favorite!)

On the Taroko way, we saw the flower film, and we took many pics there~~Look~~Lesley likes a child...^^
It's special landmark in Hualien's 7-11, it is on the way~

We arrived Taroko by scooter. I knew it's a little bit crazy of my ages. But i didn't have car. So, we were just by scooter~

Under a temple....the water is clear~

She danced with the wood doll~

Of Course, a couple of starbucks~
